Eli5: in movies you see people rip their shirts off like it’s nothing. How do they do that so easily


Title is basically the question. How do people rip shirts off so easily in movies? They will rip their white beaters or t-shirts directly in half.

I tried it before and it looked like I was trying to get out of straightjacket t shirt.

In: 10

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Use scissors to put a small snip at the top of the shirt at the collar under the chin. Then try. See hulk hogan for reference

Anonymous 0 Comments

My guess is they swap out the shirt in between takes with one that has a starter tear in it and then just rip from there. Much easier to tear fabric that is already torn a bit.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can’t rip a shirt? Twist and pull or whatever you can to get a small rip at the top then it’s easy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They prep the clothing. Basically cut the threads used in sewing and make starting cuts in few places. At least that is what I did, but it wasn’t for a movie.

You can do so much to clothing without it being visible to prep it. Everything you see in movies has been prepared to happen consistently or semi-consistently. The professionals have thousands of methods to make things happen.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They’re prepped before hand to make it easier. For example in the old 1970’s “The Incredible Hulk” were the Hulk (played by a professional bodybuilder) would burst out of his clothes, the clothes were intentionally already too small and they scored them with box cutter knives, so that as soon as he flexed they would just rip really easily. It’s all just movie magic things that look easy in films usually take a lot of prep before the cameras start rolling.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is a technique to it where you get leverage with your knuckles as pivots for each other to get a lot of force at your fingers to tear things apart. With some practice you can use this to tear apart shirts and other things without using much brute force.

If course it is possible to weaken the fabric beforehand. Usually by treating it with acid as this chemically alters the cellulose fibers in the cloth making it easy to rip apart.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was throwing away a bunch of old shirts and thought I’d try ripping like in the movies. It actually turned out to be pretty easy. I’m guessing you can generate a fair bit of force, and once a tiny tear has started the rest rips easy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

you can get tearable pants which is what they use for movies and those stage performances so i assume they have those for shorts too