eli5 : Is 1000 fps is always slow motion?


Can you play a video in 1000fps at normal speed?
Or play a game at normal speed with this fps?

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6 Answers

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Slow-motion (or fast-forward) happens if you display the video at a different frame rate than it was shot at.

If you shoot at 24fps and show the video at 24fps, you’re getting a normal video. If you instead slow down the playback to show the video at 1fps, it takes 24 seconds to show a clip that took one second to record, resulting in an extremely choppy slide show.

If you pump up those numbers and shoot at 240fps but show the result at 24fps, you get a comparatively smooth video that still stretches one second of footage into 24 seconds of view time which lets you see details you’d otherwise miss.

Technically speaking there’s nothing stopping you from shooting and displaying video at 1000fps, but it’s pretty tough to find a monitor that can show images that fast, especially when at some point you stop seeing the difference.

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