eli5: is a video more accurate than 2 mirrors facing each other?


Today I put up a mirror at a 90 degree angle to another mirror in order to “un-reverse” the reflection, my face looked absolutely other-wordly bad, it looked very skinny, but when I look in the mirror my face looks normal.

After that I took multiple videos using my phone’s camera and the result looked more or less the same as when I look in the mirror(without the 90 degrees thing), So now I’m kinda left confused.


What I’m getting at is the following, with the two mirror method my face looks skinny and that doesn’t make sense cuz in videos and pictures my face looks normal, so now I’m kinda freaking out over this.

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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you’re using a front-facing camera, many of those will flip the image. You can manually flip it yourself, or use the rear-facing camera if this is the case and it should look the same as the two mirror method.

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