eli5 Is it correct to think of events happening on the far side of the universe or in a different galaxy as occurring “at the same time”?


eli5 Is it correct to think of events happening on the far side of the universe or in a different galaxy as occurring “at the same time”?

In: Physics

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The eli5 are more ask science than eli5. So here is my best attempt.

Yes there is a universal now. Now exists everywhere in the universe. But no one can observe now. You can observe events that happen “now” after some time has passed. This is how long it takes the light to reach your eyes.

Depending on how far away the event is. It might take you a while to observe the event. So long in fact that it no longer appears to have happened “now”.

Also because of relativity no one agrees on the delta between the event and the observation.

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