eli5 Is it correct to think of events happening on the far side of the universe or in a different galaxy as occurring “at the same time”?


eli5 Is it correct to think of events happening on the far side of the universe or in a different galaxy as occurring “at the same time”?

In: Physics

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We see distant galaxies as they were billions of years ago. If there’s intelligent life on one of those galaxies, they see our Galaxy as we see theirs, an ancient blob of stars without any proof of intelligent life beyond theirs. It’s fair to say if there are aliens, they also invented the nuclear bomb, invented new ways to travel their planet, and might even be searching for intelligent life like we are, and with the size of the universe being so big, it’s likely some species made their discoveries at the same time as we did, it’s also possible they are far more/less advanced than we are.

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