eli5: Is subvocalization the same as silent speech? where as an internal monologue you can actually hear it in your head? If this is correct have people really been using other people’s voices in their inner monologue when they read books instead of sunvocalizing it in someone else’s voice?


eli5: Is subvocalization the same as silent speech? where as an internal monologue you can actually hear it in your head? If this is correct have people really been using other people’s voices in their inner monologue when they read books instead of sunvocalizing it in someone else’s voice?

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Anonymous 0 Comments

Is there something weird about imagining in an assumed voice? In my book (ha!) that’s a kind of acting, which seems perfectly in the spirit of the thing. You’re imagining (and perhaps subvocalizing) the words of a narrator, character(s) or your vision of the author.

Really, just hearing it in your *own* voice seems weirder, unless it’s non-fiction and you wrote it yourself.