Eli5: Is there a scientific reason why many young girls like like pink more than any other colour?


Eli5: Is there a scientific reason why many young girls like like pink more than any other colour?

In: Other

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They aren’t. It’s just that, in America, at least, pink is for girls, blue is for boys, and the mass marketing for such imprints on them.

It’s kind of like how my ex-wife always wanted her hamburgers plain and didn’t like ketchup, and since I was away a lot during my son’s early development he imprinted that “ketchup is nasty.” It took me *years* to get that out of his head. He wouldn’t eat anything that had the color red on it, because it might be ketchup. Kid didn’t like burgers because he insisted on them being plain, because that’s how his mother liked them. Wouldn’t eat pizza, any red sauce pasta, etc. *Finally* managed to trick him one time, and he realized that tomato sauce wasn’t the devil (doesn’t help that he is autistic) and now he eats “normally,” although he still prefers a white sauce pizza.

Anyway, got off topic. Young children are *extremely* impressionable, and imprint on things so fast it’ll blow your mind. And since modern American marketing covers little girls in pink from the day they’re born (a lot of hospital nurseries will put a pink knit cap on a girl and a blue one on a boy) it ends up being a familiar and comforting color.

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