Eli5 Looking thrue magnifying glass, telescope or microscope does not hurt. Looking thrue glasses with wrong lenses hurts. Why?


Eli5 Looking thrue magnifying glass, telescope or microscope does not hurt. Looking thrue glasses with wrong lenses hurts. Why?

In: 2

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Magnifying glass, telescope, and microscopes just magnify an image (enlarge it), and assumes your eye / cornea are already the correct shape to process the image properly.

But prescription glasses bend the light in such a way that when it hits your misshapen cornea / eye / whatever (I’m not an eye doctor), the 2 kind of ‘cancel’ out and what you see is a clear image. When someone who wears glasses takes them off, its not just that things look far away and need to be bigger to see, but that they are *blurry*. My understanding is that the prescription glasses kind of bend the light in the opposite way that your eye is bending the light, to make things appear clear and in-focus. Hope this helps.

Edit: Sorry, so to address your question, if you wear a prescription that is wrong for your eyes, the light is being bent in a way that is not compatible with your eyes, so it does not help you and makes things look blurry, because it is not “canceling” like it would if you actually needed thatt prescription.

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