Eli5… Manufactured Homes – Just as Good Yet Advised Against


My SO and I are in the market for a home (the market is insanely competitive). We found a home that checks a lot of our boxes, but it’s manufactured. Our realtor warned us against them and I don’t understand why. Something about financing being different?

In: Economics

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Much depends on whether you will own the property or whether it will be in a community where you own the building but rent the lot. Unfortunately, many of those rental agencies have little regulation, so they just keep raising the rates for lot rental, and for utilities such as water and sewage, thus screwing people over. The fact that you are beholden to such a rental agency can be a real negative to living there and for future resale of the home. Thus, while a prefab can be a great home, the real issue is *where* the home will be. Not all lot-rental agencies are bad, and some areas have more government regulations regarding their operation.

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