[ELI5] Perfect Eyesight/Prescription Glasses


Hi all,


I’ve been curious about this for a while. Lets say there are two people, one with perfect eyesight, and another who does not have perfect eyesight and wears prescription glasses. If the person with perfect eyesight wears the prescription glasses, does that person see the exact way the person who does not have good eyesight does?


Thanks in advance and I hope I was clear!

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In addition to what others have said, when you try on a new pair of glasses it’s a bit foggy and hazy in the beginning. This fogginess is more pronounced if you’re trying on glasses which have a power that is too much for you.

Source: I used to try on my sister’s spectacles when I had perfect vision and it was quite weird. Things seemed going in and out of focus. It was uncomfortable overall.

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