eli5: Safe radiation levels


I was watching this show called dark tourist on Netflix and in their Japan episode they visited the Fukushima area and received readings of up to 8.4 mcSv/h. My question is firstly what do the units even mean, and secondly how dangerous are these levels of radiation?

In: 11

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It might make more sense to think of exposure to loud noises damaging your hearing. We are all exposed to radiation all the time, but it’s low, like hearing noises under 90 dB all the time. It’s not likely to damage you. But up the exposure and you get damage. 100 dB once isn’t going to cause hearing loss, but work at a place with that constant exposure and you’re going to damage your hearing. Massive exposure can cause instant damage you will never recover from, like 160+ dB, same for radiation.

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