Eli5: So space is expanding faster than light making galaxies invisible?


There is this theory, or confirmed fact, that the most far space objects like galaxies are running away because of the space expanding, and the further from us the faster it’s expanding.
So every moment something is not visibile anymore because it’s so distant that it’s speed is greater than the light, and the light it’s shooting towards us can’t ever reach us.

Can someone explain me this theory?

In: Physics

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is a confirmed measurement. The more distant a galaxy is, the more space there is between us and the faster they are moving away. For some galaxies, we’ve measured distances that indicate that their relative velocity is larger than C. That means we will never see the light they emit today. We will see light from them for a few million years, because that light left long ago when they were closer. One day, we’ll reach the end of that light beam, and they will go dark.

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