eli5: Sugars are carbs. What is different about sugar that requires it to be listed separately on a nutritionql label?


eli5: Sugars are carbs. What is different about sugar that requires it to be listed separately on a nutritionql label?

In: 66

14 Answers

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Sugar is half part fructose and half part glucose. When you ingest sugar, it’s absorbed immediately by our body. The glucose is used up by our bodies as fuel. Our bodies can’t use the fructose part in any bodily function. It goes to the liver and is converted into fat and stored. Lot of sugar consumption with limited physical activity continues to build this fat up which isn’t good.

Repeated exposure of high levels of sugar in bloodstream can cause our bodies to develop resistance to insulin which ultimately causes diabetes which can further cause cardio vascular diseases.

To be healthy keep intake of refined carbs like sugar or refined flour to minimum. If you have carbs, make sure you have lot of fiber along with it. Having fiber with carbs reduces the amount of carbs the body absorbs.

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