eli5: Sugars are carbs. What is different about sugar that requires it to be listed separately on a nutritionql label?


eli5: Sugars are carbs. What is different about sugar that requires it to be listed separately on a nutritionql label?

In: 66

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s about politics more than it is about sugar.

Nutritional labels are something that politicans can change easily. Government organizations like the Food & Drug Administration (USA) and similar are who regulate nutritional labels, and they have limited oversight from legislation. The people in charge of this organization can unilaterally do a thing and go “we’re doing something about obesity”.

Measures that would actually curb obesity are typically wildly unpopular and/or would cause more problems than they solve. The result of enacting such policies is a sweep from government of the party that enacted them and a complete reversal of the policies by the new government. So the politicians do these feel-good measures to say they’re doing something without enacting wildly unpopular and oppressive policies to curb obesity.

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