eli5: Sugars are carbs. What is different about sugar that requires it to be listed separately on a nutritionql label?


eli5: Sugars are carbs. What is different about sugar that requires it to be listed separately on a nutritionql label?

In: 66

14 Answers

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The most important statistic for your health about a type of carbohydrate is the Glysymic Index (GI). The GI will tell us how fast that type of carb is absorbed by the body. The faster the absorption rate the higher the spike in blood sugar. The larger the spike the more insulin is released. Insulin regulates the uptake of sugar and the higher the insulin the more sugar is converted into fat. Additionally, you can develop a resistance to insulin which is known as type 2 diabetes. On top of this high GI carbs lead to cycles of high energy followed by crashes which messes with the hormones that control hunger. Low GI carbs will contain the same number of calories as high GI carbs but they are significantly more healthy for you because they are absorbed slower and keep you “fuller” for longer. Sugar (glucose) is the highest GI carb there is.

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