ELi5 the difference between memory and storage on mobile phones.


Say an app has a download size of 3 GB, do you need 3 GB of memory or 3 GB of storage?

In: Technology

9 Answers

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Mobil phones are just computers so the difference between memory and storage is the same between a phone and a computer.

Memory is the amount of data the processor can work with at one time, this matters for the kind of programs you are able to run but not for the size of anything you would download.

Storage is how much data the device can have on it before it is out of space and can’t hold anymore.

In your example of a downloading 3gb download memory doesn’t matter, only storage. Memory would matter for something like a game, if a game needs 4gb of memory then a phone with 3gb of memory wouldn’t be able to run it.

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