eli5 the difference between watt-hours and Amp-hours?


I’ve seen electricity being measured for like houses and stuff with kWh, but i always see on batteries it’s measured with mAh. what’s the difference? also, is there such thing as Volt-hours?

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wh = V * Ah.

I work for an ebike retailer. Our standard batteries are 36V 10Ah = 360Wh. A 48V 7.5Ah battery would also be 360Wh.

My understanding is that batteries are usually described in Ah because you’ll typically comparing them to other batteries with the same voltages; you can’t use a 48V battery with a 36V system, so if your 360Wh battery turns out to be 48V 7.5Ah instead of 36V 10Ah you’re SOL. But Wh is a more complete description of the amount of electrical energy your battery can hold, or your household’s annual power consumption or whatever.

EDIT: The water analogy is a useful way to understand electrical stuff. Voltage is like water pressure, current (amperes) is like flow rate, charge (ampere-hours or coulombs) is like water volume. Watts are like the amount of power the flowing water supplies (imagine it’s turning a water wheel or something) – pressurised water can supply more power. X Watt-hours are just ‘supply X amount of watts for 1 hour, or 1 watt for X hours’.

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