Eli5 the sun is always there blasting out heat, why do we have different seasons and why do we have massive heat waves now?


Eli5 the sun is always there blasting out heat, why do we have different seasons and why do we have massive heat waves now?

In: Earth Science

8 Answers

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Two different questions kinds of here…

The first, why do we have different seasons, well earth is on a tilted axis so different parts of the earth receive different amounts of sunlight depending on where the earth is in its rotation of the sun. Places near the equator may only have 1-2 seasons because they receive a constant amount of sunlight while others may have 4 because the amount of sunlight they get depends on where they are on earth if the earth is at a certain part in its solar revolution.

Why do we have massive heat waves?

This is because of global warming… greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere causing more heat to be retained. They also destroy ozone which prevents harmful frequencies of light from reaching the surface. This has nothing to do with the amount of heat from the sun or sunlight as this will remain pretty much constant in our or kids or their kids life time.

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