Eli5 the term “I think, therefore I am” I know it’s some what of a term about self awareness


Eli5 the term “I think, therefore I am” I know it’s some what of a term about self awareness

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27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

How can you prove anything is real when it’s all just signals in your brain?

If that’s true, “I think, therefore I am,” is the only thing you can really be sure of.

Anonymous 0 Comments

How can you prove anything is real when it’s all just signals in your brain?

If that’s true, “I think, therefore I am,” is the only thing you can really be sure of.

Anonymous 0 Comments

How can you prove anything is real when it’s all just signals in your brain?

If that’s true, “I think, therefore I am,” is the only thing you can really be sure of.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically means: I know for a fact that I am thinking, and if I can think then there must be someone/ something who exists doing the thinking, so its hard evidence that you exist.

Its basically the one single thing that you can confirm without a doubt, bevause besides that fact, for all you know you may be a alien that took a huge DMT trip and are hallucinating everything, or this may be a dream, simulation, etc.

But regardless if anything, we have direct evidence of us thinking, which means we exist as something needs to exist to do the thinking.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically means: I know for a fact that I am thinking, and if I can think then there must be someone/ something who exists doing the thinking, so its hard evidence that you exist.

Its basically the one single thing that you can confirm without a doubt, bevause besides that fact, for all you know you may be a alien that took a huge DMT trip and are hallucinating everything, or this may be a dream, simulation, etc.

But regardless if anything, we have direct evidence of us thinking, which means we exist as something needs to exist to do the thinking.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically means: I know for a fact that I am thinking, and if I can think then there must be someone/ something who exists doing the thinking, so its hard evidence that you exist.

Its basically the one single thing that you can confirm without a doubt, bevause besides that fact, for all you know you may be a alien that took a huge DMT trip and are hallucinating everything, or this may be a dream, simulation, etc.

But regardless if anything, we have direct evidence of us thinking, which means we exist as something needs to exist to do the thinking.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a sophism from someone who didn’t have access to modern concepts of causality that quantum mechanics taught us.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a sophism from someone who didn’t have access to modern concepts of causality that quantum mechanics taught us.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a sophism from someone who didn’t have access to modern concepts of causality that quantum mechanics taught us.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many good detailed answers here, but simplified: Descartes wanted the foundation of his philosophy to be impossible to doubt. So he starts by doubting everything. He concludes that everything can be doubted, EXCEPT the existence of the doubter.