Eli5 the term “I think, therefore I am” I know it’s some what of a term about self awareness


Eli5 the term “I think, therefore I am” I know it’s some what of a term about self awareness

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27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a sophism from someone who didn’t have access to modern concepts of causality that quantum mechanics taught us.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically means: I know for a fact that I am thinking, and if I can think then there must be someone/ something who exists doing the thinking, so its hard evidence that you exist.

Its basically the one single thing that you can confirm without a doubt, bevause besides that fact, for all you know you may be a alien that took a huge DMT trip and are hallucinating everything, or this may be a dream, simulation, etc.

But regardless if anything, we have direct evidence of us thinking, which means we exist as something needs to exist to do the thinking.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically means: I know for a fact that I am thinking, and if I can think then there must be someone/ something who exists doing the thinking, so its hard evidence that you exist.

Its basically the one single thing that you can confirm without a doubt, bevause besides that fact, for all you know you may be a alien that took a huge DMT trip and are hallucinating everything, or this may be a dream, simulation, etc.

But regardless if anything, we have direct evidence of us thinking, which means we exist as something needs to exist to do the thinking.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically means: I know for a fact that I am thinking, and if I can think then there must be someone/ something who exists doing the thinking, so its hard evidence that you exist.

Its basically the one single thing that you can confirm without a doubt, bevause besides that fact, for all you know you may be a alien that took a huge DMT trip and are hallucinating everything, or this may be a dream, simulation, etc.

But regardless if anything, we have direct evidence of us thinking, which means we exist as something needs to exist to do the thinking.

Anonymous 0 Comments

How can you prove anything is real when it’s all just signals in your brain?

If that’s true, “I think, therefore I am,” is the only thing you can really be sure of.

Anonymous 0 Comments

How can you prove anything is real when it’s all just signals in your brain?

If that’s true, “I think, therefore I am,” is the only thing you can really be sure of.

Anonymous 0 Comments

How can you prove anything is real when it’s all just signals in your brain?

If that’s true, “I think, therefore I am,” is the only thing you can really be sure of.