Eli5: (This prob sounds stupid) How did life forms come to be on earth? Like, how did something become ‘living’?


Eli5: (This prob sounds stupid) How did life forms come to be on earth? Like, how did something become ‘living’?

In: Biology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This isn’t a stupid question. Science itself cannot explain how life came from nothing. Seriously, every experiment ever devised by humans to try and create life from non-living matter has utterly failed. The probability of life happening from non-life is so infinitesimally small (one in a trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion [72 0’s]), that we cannot actually calculate it.

There are two schools of thought for how life came to be on Earth:

1. Random chance: all the building blocks of life (at least 250 proteins aligning in the correct order) were available on earth and lined up perfectly for the first single-celled organism to exist.
2. Creationism: All life suddenly and wonderfully came into existence at the creation of a divine being.

The data we have in fossil records support #2 more than #1. But, I’m sure this will get down voted into oblivion.

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