Eli5: To grow mushrooms you need 100% cleanliness to avoid contamination, how do they grow in the wild?


I mean, if the slightest bacteria can destroy the mushrooms growth or even make them not grow at all.. how do they survive and expand in nature?

In: Earth Science

4 Answers

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You don’t need 100% cleanliness. You can absolutely grow mushrooms even in open air. There are in fact countless open-air grow kits for things like oyster mushrooms and others.

Yes, proper sanitary practices or growing mushrooms in a somewhat contained environment will help reduce the chance something unfavorable grows. It’s by no means necessary in most cases. If you really really care about a particular batch not getting infected, sure you can spend more effort setting up a grow tub that’s mostly closed, but you still need some degree of free air exchange so bacteria’s still getting in. You’re just exposing it less.

Same deal in nature. For the most part, it’s fine. If not, then they’ll have a hard time growing or the entire substrate will be infected and they’ll just not grow. Nature’s fairly brutal like that.

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