eli5 Tofu has lower protein ratio than breadcrumbs


Isnt tofu like a meat substitute for vegans? How come it has lower protein ratio (8%) than breadcrumbs (13%).

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21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Properly prepared bread is one of the most nutritious foods on earth, and may be the only food a human can exclusively subsist on. That is to say, properly prepared bread has plenty protein, and so does tofu

Anonymous 0 Comments

Are you asking for the reason your tofu has that specific amount? Are you asking why 13 is more than 8? What sort of response are you going for here?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because there’s a lot of water in most tofu and water weighs a lot. Try comparing the same amount of calories of both, a 100 calorie serving of tofu has a lot more protein than 100 calories of bread, their individual ratios by weight is basically irrelevant in the context of your diet.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because there’s a lot of water in most tofu and water weighs a lot. Try comparing the same amount of calories of both, a 100 calorie serving of tofu has a lot more protein than 100 calories of bread, their individual ratios by weight is basically irrelevant in the context of your diet.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Are you asking for the reason your tofu has that specific amount? Are you asking why 13 is more than 8? What sort of response are you going for here?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because there’s a lot of water in most tofu and water weighs a lot. Try comparing the same amount of calories of both, a 100 calorie serving of tofu has a lot more protein than 100 calories of bread, their individual ratios by weight is basically irrelevant in the context of your diet.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Protein amounts reported on nutrition labels are also not all equal. Protein is a collection of amino acids. Some foods, like breadcrumbs, have a smaller range of amino acids but a lot of them. Tofu has a very good amount of most of them, which is why it is a common protein source for vegans.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Protein amounts reported on nutrition labels are also not all equal. Protein is a collection of amino acids. Some foods, like breadcrumbs, have a smaller range of amino acids but a lot of them. Tofu has a very good amount of most of them, which is why it is a common protein source for vegans.