eli5: Trajectory of rockets


Why do rockets curve when leaving earth?

Is it the cause of natural forces or a predetermined path by scientist before launched?

Do most rockets follow a general curve or does it depend on thrust, lift (when rocket is horizontal), height position, etc.?

Is it required or could it theoretically just go straight up assuming infinite fuel?

Thanks in advance!

In: Physics

6 Answers

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Go straight up, come straight down.

Orbit isn’t about altitude, it’s about velocity. You have to be going fast enough (parallel to the ground) that can stay in your orbit. Because orbit is the art of falling without ever hitting the ground. You have to go so fast that the Earth curves away under you as you fall. Shoot, if we ignore air resistance and obstacles you could orbit at head height and really make a nuisance of yourself!

So the UP part of the rocket’s path is really just to fuck off out of the atmosphere and get away from all that annoying air slowing you down. Then the SIDEWAYS part is what gets you into orbit.

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