eli5: Trajectory of rockets


Why do rockets curve when leaving earth?

Is it the cause of natural forces or a predetermined path by scientist before launched?

Do most rockets follow a general curve or does it depend on thrust, lift (when rocket is horizontal), height position, etc.?

Is it required or could it theoretically just go straight up assuming infinite fuel?

Thanks in advance!

In: Physics

6 Answers

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99% of rockets are trying to deliver something in to orbit. If you shoot a rocket straight up… that’s cool, but it’s going to just keep going out, away from the earth. If it doesn’t have enough force, it’ll just get pulled back down by the earth and crash. If it *does* have enough force, it’ll just keep going on its merry way out into space.

So you *need* to have an arc in the trajectory to help ensure the payload gets delivered at the right speed and altitude and angle to stay in orbit after it’s put there.

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