Eli5: Underwater pressure


Why do people, submarines, and essentially everything that dives too far into the water get crushed? I get that it’s the weight of the water, but shouldn’t the pressure just come from the top and not everywhere, as if there were a weight on you?

In: 7

7 Answers

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Water (and other liquids) transfers pressure in all directions simultaneously and equally. Imagine you have a glass of water, and you put a tightly fitting piston into it and start pushing the water down. Obviously the side walls of the glass will just break at some point, and water will pour out. This is generally not what would happen if there was some solid object in the glass instead of water, that’s why liquids and solids are different. So in case of a submarine the walls of the submarine are the walls of the glass and the weight of all the water above it is you pushing down on the piston.

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