eli5 warming world


So I’m not a climate denier I’m just wondering if the world warming was inevitable. I thought I remembered from school that “winter” is left over from the last ice age. If true wouldn’t the world be warming anyway? With or without human interference? Or is it just we are helping it along at a much quicker rate?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The earth does go through natural periods of warming/cooling as a result of the so called Milankovitch cycles. These cycles are a result of the variation of the earth’s orbit around the sun (how eliptical the orbit is) and the tilt of the earth’s axis (the earth’s axis tilts between 22.2 and 24.5 degrees). However, if we follow the predictions of our current position in the Milankovitch cycle, the earth should be cooling right now. This means that there is clearly something else playing a much larger role in the current climate change, and this is the effect humans are having on the climate.

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