eli5: Waves come in at New York, and waves come in at Europe. What happens in the middle?


eli5: Waves come in at New York, and waves come in at Europe. What happens in the middle?

In: Earth Science

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wind and waves. Wind blowing across the ocean creates waves that move in the direction of the wind. These waves can travel across entire oceans. So the ocean is full of waves , often moving in different directions. When waves meet, they just pass through each other and continue on their way. So there can be one group of waves moving toward New York and another group of waves heading towards Portugal.

If you go to [windy.com](https://www.windy.com/?43.197,-44.297,4) you can see all the different wind patterns. You can zoom in and out using the + and – buttons in the top right, click and drag to check out other areas, and hit the play button on the bottom left to see the wind forecast play out. Spain and Portugal are going to have some great surf in a few days from that cyclonic system heading towards their coasts.

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