eli5: What are “acts” in a movie/film and how are people able to figure out where they start/end? Are there always three acts? More? Less? Please explain.


eli5: What are “acts” in a movie/film and how are people able to figure out where they start/end? Are there always three acts? More? Less? Please explain.

In: Other

19 Answers

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Act’s are just the current tool we use to make our product easier for public consumption. First, if people vaguely know what they are expecting then they are more likely to consume. In this case, take the hours out of their lives to watch. Second, it’s an easy way to break a story up in all the accepted forms of story telling media, First act, The Setup, the problem occurs, Second, The Confrontation, the problem worsens, or creates a new, larger threat, final act is always for the resolution of the problem.
A heap more go into it after thousands of years of examining audiences like pee breaks, intermission to sell goods or change reels or the like, or just the shortening of modern attention spans. (For example, it used to be a 5 act structure until well AFTER Shakespeare) and what we have now is the consumeristic descendent of that 5 act, greek theatre based, mode of story telling.

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