ELi5: What are dentists actually doing when they say they’re counting your teeth?


ELi5: What are dentists actually doing when they say they’re counting your teeth?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They’re counting, mapping, and inspecting the teeth. My dentist pokes at mine as she’s going, I’m guessing to test the strength and hear what the teeth sound like.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Checking to see if you lost any at some point. If a tooth gets broken the right way you can lose it. For the dental records they need to know exactly what your teeth look like.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Checking them, making sure you have them all, that they still look okay, checking for any cavities, making sure they are all in the right spots, checking to see if you have any wisdom teeth, if they are causing problems, if removing them caused any problems, making sure the dental hygienist did a good job cleaning your teeth, checking for any problem areas, etc. Basically examining every tooth in order along with your gums