eli5: What are distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks?


I thought DDos was the same as doxxing someone, turns out I’m just stupid.

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a virtual flashmob, where you’ve blackmailed (hacked) every person (computer) in the mob to do your bidding and rush to a destination (e.g. a store) and ask for a service. Because the store cannot serve so many customers, it results in a complete breakdown, or very slow service for actual customers.

Denial of Service is basically preventing the target online server from responding to legitimate requests (aka pings), usually by overloading it with a huge number of bogus requests. This is slightly difficult to really scale (you need to be able to send enough pings) and easy to block (the server just blocks/ignores any IP sending more than a certain number of requests per second).

Enter Distributed Denial-of-Service where the first step is to spread some sort of malware which would make target infected computers send pings to target servers for you. This results in what’s called a botnet (a network of bot computers doing your bidding). The malware could do other things too (e.g. provide you with additional computational powers to brute-force other hacks), but right now we just want pings. Then you get this botnet to attack your target server with numerous pings. It’s like a million people repeatedly asking you for your name while you’re trying to get some work done. Now even DDoS attacks can be blocked, but it’s difficult, because you need to block a lot IPs instead of just one. This has become such a problem that most companies now use dedicated services like cloudflare to protect themselves from such attacks.

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