eli5: What are distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks?


I thought DDos was the same as doxxing someone, turns out I’m just stupid.

In: 2

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes, those are completely different.

A distributed denial of service involves causing many computers to send messages as fast as they can to one computer, often the computer hosting an adversary’s web page. All these requests overload the target computer, the “website is down”. This is annoying to the website owner.

Doxxing someone is a personal attack on a human, revealing their actual home or phone or job or …, in hopes that the evildoers on the Internet will disrupt the person’s life. This is sometimes a crime, depending on where you live, but it’s always a dastardly thing to do for which the perpetrator deserves a harsh punishment.

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