Eli5: What are the basic characteristics of a queer model? Do all queers want to be identified as they/them ?


I read a lot about genders and yet, I haven’t even been able to scratch the surface of what it’s like to be queer. It’s just that I have the impression that it is presented vaguely, in loose terms.

I apologize in advance for my ignorance… i would appreciate some legit informative links maybe or pop culture examples or even surveys taken by queers for research purposes to help me understand it better.

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Firstly queer is a generic term which includes a lot of different subgroups of sexuality and genders. The pronoun debate only applies to a minority of queer people. Mostly the transgender. The problem is what pronouns you use for people where the classical male and female pronouns is not right. While most transgender people prefer you call them by the pronouce that represent the gender they identify as this might be wrong for some reasons and calling them by the pronouns representing their sex in their passport or their sexual organs are wrong for other reasons. There are also people who do not identify as either sexes or identify as both. And even non-queer might take offense if you use a gender pronoun in a context where gender should not be a factor.

The debate about pronouns have been going on for some time with several suggestions for new ones. But most people have now started to like just using plural. People just do not notice this. Especially among the non-queer this have become a de-facto standard for the pronoun to use when you do not know the gender or where it does not matter. However some transgender might even take offense if you try to use this as it suggest you do not recognize them as the gender they identify as. And some even prefer some of the other suggested new pronouns.

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