Eli5: What are the basic characteristics of a queer model? Do all queers want to be identified as they/them ?


I read a lot about genders and yet, I haven’t even been able to scratch the surface of what it’s like to be queer. It’s just that I have the impression that it is presented vaguely, in loose terms.

I apologize in advance for my ignorance… i would appreciate some legit informative links maybe or pop culture examples or even surveys taken by queers for research purposes to help me understand it better.

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Queer is a generic label, more like an alternative for LGBT+ for when using an acronym can feel a little out of place. Someone could identify as queer while being pretty much any form of gender or sexual minority. Also, bear in mind that not all LGBTQ+ people like being called queer. It may be reclaimed, but it is still a slur. Older people especially tend not to like it, so probably best not to refer to someone using it until they’ve already used it themselves.

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