Eli5. What are the basic steps that an ISO 9001 internal auditor should take to conduct an audit of a shipping dept.?


I have no experience with ISO 9001 and my boss volunteered me as an internal auditor this morning in a meeting. I have a week to prepare. How do I go about this? Any advice helps. I’m currently going through the 8 fundamentals of ISO 9001 but I’m not sure how to physically go through this audit?

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The key to ISO 9001 is documented processes.

In your audit, you will get a list of processes that the company says describe what the “shipping” department does. You will seek out examples of each process. Then you will examine the records for all the instances of work that uses the process to see if any instances didn’t follow the process (perhaps by following a different process). Then you will audit the work that is left, to see if there is work going on for which there is no process (sometimes called orphan work).

All your observations will be written up in an audit report, which the assessors will use (with audit reports from all the company’s other departments) to determine where the company meets the standards and where it does not.

The assessment team will explain how they want this done/documented.

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