Eli5: What are the main things holding humanity back when it comes to being able to Terraform a planet or other large celestial objects in space?


Eli5: What are the main things holding humanity back when it comes to being able to Terraform a planet or other large celestial objects in space?

In: 14

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Scale, energy, and technology. And all this loomed over by time.

A planet is a big place. There’s a lot that needs to be done with things we dont have and can’t power reliably.

But even if we have all that, it would take hundreds of years to terraform a planet to a point where it is liveable.

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Eli5: What are the main things holding humanity back when it comes to being able to Terraform a planet or other large celestial objects in space?

In: 14

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Scale, energy, and technology. And all this loomed over by time.

A planet is a big place. There’s a lot that needs to be done with things we dont have and can’t power reliably.

But even if we have all that, it would take hundreds of years to terraform a planet to a point where it is liveable.

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