Eli5: What are the main things holding humanity back when it comes to being able to Terraform a planet or other large celestial objects in space?


Eli5: What are the main things holding humanity back when it comes to being able to Terraform a planet or other large celestial objects in space?

In: 14

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Money. For one. There is actual talk of capturing a small asteroid in the belt between mars and Jupiter. The cost? a few trillion. It’s not resources per se its money. What person on earth has a few trillion to try and grab a small asteroid because it contains a small fortune in precious metals? Maybe one of the oil sheiks in Saudi Arabia

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Eli5: What are the main things holding humanity back when it comes to being able to Terraform a planet or other large celestial objects in space?

In: 14

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Money. For one. There is actual talk of capturing a small asteroid in the belt between mars and Jupiter. The cost? a few trillion. It’s not resources per se its money. What person on earth has a few trillion to try and grab a small asteroid because it contains a small fortune in precious metals? Maybe one of the oil sheiks in Saudi Arabia

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