Eli5: what causes different societies to advance technologically?


Whenever a modern uncontacted tribe is found, it seems curiously consistent that they are barely even agricultural at best-much less even up to pace with most of the world’s society. What makes it so we never seem to discover unheard of industrial societies? They had as much time as anyone else to have come to the same conclusions. What causes one group to be splitting atoms while the other is still using bows and arrows?

In: Other

10 Answers

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The really simple answer is one of scale. Most major technological innovations are solving problems created by large scale societies using the resources of large scale societies.

You don’t need to build machines to mass produce thousands of identical products if the total number of people in your society numbers in the hundreds. There are machines and tools that we create, and that were created in the build up to our modern society that require parts and resources sourced from around the globe. Some of them you would not be able to create using only local resources, even if needed them.

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