Eli5: what causes different societies to advance technologically?


Whenever a modern uncontacted tribe is found, it seems curiously consistent that they are barely even agricultural at best-much less even up to pace with most of the world’s society. What makes it so we never seem to discover unheard of industrial societies? They had as much time as anyone else to have come to the same conclusions. What causes one group to be splitting atoms while the other is still using bows and arrows?

In: Other

10 Answers

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You can write many books on answering this question and people have. Look up Guns,Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond.

However one of the larger ones in this case is contact with other civilizations. These people being uncontacted means they have had nearly no contact.

Contact with other civilizations often means you get to copy their inventions, and they get to copy yours. And once you copied their invention, someone in your civilization might be able to improve it or find another use for it.

Even if you can’t copy them, knowing that something is possible means you might find your own way of doing the thing, though your implementation.

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