Eli5: What causes tasers to not set clothing on fire?


Eli5: What causes tasers to not set clothing on fire?

In: Technology

2 Answers

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What would cause tasers **to** set clothing on fire?

Anonymous 0 Comments

How hot it gets from electricity passing though depends on how easy the electrons can go through the material.

If it is easy for the electrons to go through they don’t waste energy pushing through. If it’s hard they waste energy and that comes out as heat.

It is like when you’re walking, on flat ground it is easy and you don’t build up a sweat. If you walk uphill it requires more energy and you warm up.

Since you’re essentially nade of saltwater it is easier for the electricity to go through you instead of your shirt.

Since it’s pretty easy to get through your body up to catch fire. If you were to just zap it through the air and hold a shirt there the super heated air might like the shirt on fire.

Not recommended without parental supervision though.