Eli5: What do rooting/jailbreak a phone do exactly and how?


I know that it allows us to get root access somehow. No idea other than that.
It would also be good if someone could explain what is the difference between root uesr and normal user privelege wise.

Thanks in advance.

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ok on our phones we are not the super user. The one allowed to access or modify certain settings. We are given user access. You can install normal programs that only have impact on user level. This means you can’t damage your phone permanently by installing a less then reputable software. It also means you can’t get rid of bloatware most times. Root gives you full access and athoritay over you phone. There are a lot of reasons on why you want to root you phone such as to make an old phone run better by the use of custom firmware. The downside is you can make your phone a brick.

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