Eli5: What do the defensive and offensive coordinators in football actually do that the head coach doesn’t?


Eli5: What do the defensive and offensive coordinators in football actually do that the head coach doesn’t?

In: 13

5 Answers

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Offense and Defense coordinators generally are responsible for calling the plays during the game and being in charge of their respective set of players. The head coach is involved, but usually the bulk of the duty falls on the coordinator for play calling. The Coach (with help from the coordinators) creates the game plan, the coordinates make it happen

Some coaches call their own plays on one side of the game, but generally its a coordinator who does it all.

Think of the coordinators as part of a business team, each one heads a department: “head of the offense” or “head of the defense” where the head coach is overall in charge of everyone like a CEO. The head coach comes up with the strategy and the coordinators execute it.

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