eli5: what does a ‘think tank’ do?


How and why and what is a think tank…

In: 204

21 Answers

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They create ideas, at the core of it

They’re a group of experts, that thinks about long term plans and concepts

A think tank for a food brand might consist of chefs, accountants, food-scientists, a few executives, couple of data analysts maybe etc. for example.

On the otherhand, a military tank might consist of a few soldiers, field engineers, scientists, ethics boards, etc.

They’re the ones who invent new concepts.

We tend to think that everything has one singular “inventor”, and as a result, we always argue who built it. “It was Edison! No, Tes- NO, WAIT, Swan! No, Lodygin!”

In reality, most innovations are the results of multiple people, talking about a topic for hours and hours on end, thinking about what’s possible.

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