eli5: What does decisive victory mean?


Trying to summarize an action scene in a web series I ~~plan on~~ want to make, but Im not exactly sure if “decisive victory” will fit. I tried looking it u, but the definition left me with more questions than answers.

Thanks in advance

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Other users are maybe misinformed here. It is not “a really good victory uwu”.

A decisive victory is a victory that changes the current state of the conflict.

If the conflict is simple, like arm wrestling best of 3, a decisive victory is the second win for a competitor.

If the conflict is more complex, like “taking a beachhead” or “routing a flank” or “defeating cancer”, the decisive victory may not be so clear-cut or easy to recognize. It may depend on external factors, such as generals deciding that they’ve thrown too many resources at a problem, or a mysterious benefactor donating hospital beds.

A decisive victory is one where a decision is made with regard to the conflict. A conflict can have many decisive victories. It can have no, or only one decisive victory. The decisive victory could happen early, and be small, but have snowballing effects.

The context and scope of the conflict must also be taken into account. A decisive victory at an arm wrestling tournament may win you a match, but it does not necessarily win you the tournament.

Using LotR for example, a decisive victory could have been the wraiths getting the ring from the start. Everything else could have happened the same but within the scale of the larger conflict, the war was already won at that point.

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