Eli5: What does it mean for a video game to run on a certain “engine”?


Eli5: What does it mean for a video game to run on a certain “engine”?

In: Technology

3 Answers

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Think of a game engine like this – it’s equal parts blueprint and final product.

Modern games are very complex. You don’t just need the code that makes everything work – you need artistic assets, meticulously crafted sounds, professional writing, smooth animations, and good world design. This encompasses a variety of jobs that no small group of people can perform in a reasonable development time.

The solution? A game engine. The engine plays two parts – first, it ensures that the developers can put together all of the aspects of a game smoothly and logically. Second, it allows all of these aspects to integrate into a final product playable by the consumer.

When in development, an engine provides tools for the developers. It allows programmers simple and easy control over assets so they can create effective code. It allows audio and visual asset creators to upload their work into an environment with consistent rules such as lighting and audio features. It gives level designers tools to create terrain, place assets, and craft a good looking environment. It enables animators to craft how each character moves as perfectly as they want. It allows writers a way to logically organize quests/missions and craft game progression, as well as provide the lore across the game environment.

When being played, the engine organizes all of the assets and coding provided by the developers into a playable and enjoyable game for the consumers.

For small indie developers, utilizing an open source or easily licensed engine enables them to create professional caliber games with fewer resources. For major game studies like Bethesda and Rockstar, creating an in-house engine allows them to perfect their craft and create consistency in their work, all while tailoring to their particular development style.

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