eli5: What does it mean when people say that time works differently in space?


I’ve heard people talk about how people living on a space station their whole lives would age at different rates to people on Earth but…how?

In: Physics

7 Answers

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Essentially here on earth we have an environment. We have gravity, oxygen, heat and lack there of.

On a space station there is little of that. No real gravity to effect the strength of your bones. You have no weight in space so your bones don’t really need to grow stronger or denser. This would also effect muscle growth. As one of the biggest factors in growing up is how much your body needs to grow to accommodate gravity.

You have oxygen in the space station but it’s different than the air your breathe. There’s less in it and your body won’t experience the different pathogens and dust and other particles being in the air. This effects how resilient your lungs would be.

Heat or the lack of heat would mean your body would be slow to adjust to different temperatures. Your skin would more than likely be paler becuase there is no direct sunlight which causes skin to get darker.

The environment in space is not very friendly to our biology that has adapted to live on this planet.

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