eli5: What does people mean when they say that a computer system runs on different architecture from another computer? Like when somebody says that an emulator can run N64 games faster theoretically but because of different architecture in practicality it cant?


eli5: What does people mean when they say that a computer system runs on different architecture from another computer? Like when somebody says that an emulator can run N64 games faster theoretically but because of different architecture in practicality it cant?

In: Technology

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You could theoretically make sushi in a McDonald’s kitchen, but you wouldn’t be doing it very effiencely, you also couldn’t use most of that kitchen for the task it hand. It is ill suited to the task at hand. The kitchen is the processor and the cook is going to be attempting to be an adapter between the kitchen and the unusual request for it. Your sushi might not be quite what you hoped but it’ll probably work out. If you improve the cook a bit your results will be better and better but it’ll always smell faintly of fries and probably bleed some rice into the burgers now and then. Its not a good way to run, but it’ll probably be the best you can get if McDonald’s is all you’ve got.

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