eli5: What does people mean when they say that a computer system runs on different architecture from another computer? Like when somebody says that an emulator can run N64 games faster theoretically but because of different architecture in practicality it cant?


eli5: What does people mean when they say that a computer system runs on different architecture from another computer? Like when somebody says that an emulator can run N64 games faster theoretically but because of different architecture in practicality it cant?

In: Technology

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Computers are like houses and software is like the people living in them. Different houses have different layouts and architecture. There is not one right architecture for a house so there can be many choices and personal preferences. The people are like the software and depending on the people’s lifestyle some architecture may be better for them than others — some people may not do well with stairs, and you would not be happy living in a house with stair – you would not be able to move around the house very fast. However if you are a family with lot of kids you would like the upstairs where you can send the kids so you cannot hear them and get some quiet time to yourself downstairs. Different people like different architecture. Software and Hardware the same – and if you hardware have lots of stairs, narrow hallways or no windows, your software may not be able to live there very well, even if theoretically it should be fine

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