eli5: What evidence indicate towards the phenomenon of the Big Bang? How did they come to the conclusion of it happening?


eli5: What evidence indicate towards the phenomenon of the Big Bang? How did they come to the conclusion of it happening?

In: Physics

3 Answers

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TLDR: Because we can see it, or more specifically we can see the shockwave from it’s explosion.

Edwin Hubble (form whom the Hubble Space Telescope is named) catalogued a large number of stars and galaxies and in the process made a phenomenal discovery.

Due to the Doppler effect the light of far away things tends to get shifted into a different part of the spectrum. As things move towards us they appear more blue, while as they move away they appear more Red.

Hubble discovered that almost everything in the universe is red shifted, meaning that the entire universe is moving away from us. The only plausible explanation was that the universe was expanding, and not just that but accelerating as well.

With this new found information scientist concluded that if the universe is expanding, at one point it must have been tiny. If you reverse the clock back then the universe would have been a single point, the Big Bang.

Scientists predicted that such an explosion would have left a shock wave like the light from a distant explosion, a kind of cosmic background radiation.

Then they found it, radio detectors are able to see this cosmic background radiation and it’s coming from every direction because the universe is expanding. They can also use it to determine how old the universe is, about 13 billion years old.

You can see the Cosmic Background Radiation yourself, just turn on an old TV. The fuzz and static on an old TV is primarily caused by your TV picking up this background radiation on it’s antenna.

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