[ELI5] What exactly is a buffer in Computer Science?


I’ve always been confused with buffer for I’ve heard the term in many realms including programming (nodejs) and operating systems; plus, “buffering” in video players.

So, is it the same “buffer” everywhere? I mean is it a standard of some kind because it’s been used in many technologies related to computer science.

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A buffer is a convenient place to get stuff (in this case data) quickly.

An analogy is that I have 4 crates of beer in my garage. That is a buffer for the 36 crates the local shop has.

In turn, I move 6 at a time into my fridge. That is another buffer.

When I want a beer, 5 times out of 6 there is one ready in my fridge so I can grab it super easy.

1 time out of 6 I have to go to the garage and refuel the fridge. Still better than a trip every time.

Every crate I have to go to the garage.

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